
Special Panels:
  1. Special panel on “Imaginaries of Works in Post-Disaster Society” (Prof. Silvia Vignato)
  2. Special panel on history of the region (Prof. Anthony Reid, ANU)
  3. Environmental challenges in the development of tourism in the Indian Ocean (Prof. Stefano Malatesta, Universita di Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
  4. Comparative study of mega-disaster and society in Japan, China, Indonesia (Prof. Makoto Takahashi, Nagoya University)
  5. Youth and Entrepreneurship (Dr. Iskandar Zulkarnaen, Aceh’s Office for Youth Affairs)
  6. Livelihood and Food Security (Saiful Mahdi, Ph.D, ICAIOS in collaboration with BAPPEDA Aceh and SMERU-ANU project)
Panel Bahasa Indonesia:
Untuk meningkatkan akses terhadap kegiatan akademik internasional ini, disediakan  3 panel khusus (untuk 10-12 pembicara saja) dimana artikel, presentasi, dan diskusi dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia (To broaden access for this international academic event, there will be 3 panels for papers written and/or delivered in Bahasa Indonesia for Indonesian and non-Indonesian alike).
Abstract has to be written following extended-abstract template to be found on the conference website Please send all abstracts, proposals, and communications to Email: