Keynote Speakers

Darmin Nasution Ph.D*
Coordinating Minister for Economy
*in confirmation
Darmin Nasution was born in Tapanuli in North Sumatra on 21 December 1948. He graduated from the University of Indonesia (1976) and received his doctorate in economics from the University of Paris, Sorbonne, France, in 1986.
Before later taking up various positions within the Indonesian government, Nasution lectured in economics at the University of Indonesia where he was Deputy Chair of the Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat (LPEM, or Institute for Economic and Social Research) from 1987, and Head of the LPEM from 1989.
Prof. Silvia Vignato
University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) | Italy
Silvia Vignato (Prof.), Associate Professor in anthropology at The Department of Human Science for education “Riccardo Massa”, Università di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), teaches undergraduate and graduate students and supervises M.A. and Ph.D. thesis focused on Southeast Asia. Her research interest is on subjectivity as related to work/unemployment, gender and marginality, evolving structures of families and unattached children in Indonesia and Malaysia. Beside a monography about Indonesian Tamil migrants, other Sumatranese ethnic minorities and their levels of subjective integration into the State, she has published articles about Malaysian factory workers and manpower agents for migrants and about post-conflict young Acehenese people.